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Personnel management policy

Main objectives of personnel management policy are to support the development of JSC “Pasazieru vilciens” by ensuring the employees with work and development possibilities, and motivation; define unified values and principles for personnel management. When implementing the set objectives, PV can facilitate the attraction and loyalty of employees and achieve good reputation for PV as a good employer.


Personnel policy consists of 8 individual policies of personnel management functions:

  • Basic principles of personnel selection policy is the gradualness (selection process takes place consecutively by stages); compliance with labour legislation principles; compliance with confidentiality of the information provided by the applicants. Basic criteria when selecting the employees (according to the job requirements) is professionalism (education, work experience, recommendations); motivation; health condition; psychophysiological assessment (according to normative acts); possibilities of potential development. The company observes the personnel inner selection priority over the external one.
  • Aim of the work performance assessment policy is to ensure the assessment of work performed by employees during a particular time period – month, year, to clarify the need for trainings, to plan employees’ development possibilities and motive the employees. Assessment methods and criteria for the employees are developed and defined in the regulations regarding the assessment of employees in the Company and the individual work performance for the administrative staff is assessed once in a year. For other groups of jobs – once in a month. Assessment results are used to determine the need for trainings, to plan the development of employee’s career and to potentially revise the salary.
  • Training policy reflects Company’s investments in professional improvement of employees. Types of trainings are internal trainings of employees (regular technical trainings; trainings when commencing the labour relations) and external trainings (courses, seminars, exchange of experience). Provision of internal trainings at workplace performed by Company’s employees – colleagues, heads of structural units is especially facilitated.
  • Remuneration policy prescribes that the Company has a unified salary system. It consists of material rewards that is based on salary or hourly rate, and additional payments according to the Labor Law and collective agreement, premium wages for individual and collective work achievements, life and accident insurance, health insurance, different benefits, additional days of annual leave, sports activities, etc. But the non-material rewards include safe and pleasant work environment provided by the Company, support for employees’ professional improvement.
  • Internal communications policy states that it is implemented in two ways. Formal communication prescribes informing the employees on Company’s current events by organizing managers’ and employees’ meetings, meetings of management (board) with the employees at least once in a year, employees’ satisfaction inquiry at least once in 2 years, and other activities. But the informal communication anticipated the organization of corporative events (railway men’s day, Summer solstice, Christmas, Company’s establishment day, teams’ trainings, conclusion of different projects and sports events, etc.).
  • Main tasks of the labor safety policy is prevention of occupational accidents (identification and assessment of work environment risks dangerous to employees’ health and harmful to their health to prevent them further or reduce to the permissible level); promotion of employees’ occupational health (arrangement of compulsory health inspections, compliance with work and rest regimen, arrangement and improvement of household and sanitary, rest and other rooms); education of employees and increase of knowledge level in labor protection (organization of technical trainings, courses, training and instruction in labor protection); informing the employees on work environment risks, assessment results and labor protection measures to assess or reduce the risks, participation of employees in work environment internal supervision and other labor protection measures.
  • Rewards policy defines that Company’s reward is a writ of gratitude to the employees for excellent and scrupulous work that is awarded every year on the railway men’s day, i.e. on 5 August, and the writ of gratitude for popularization of Company’s image and creation of reputation that is awarded every year on Company’s establishment day, i.e. 2 November. The company participates also in SJSC “Latvijas dzelzcels” awards system.
  • Aim for awarding the employees is to honor the most outstanding employees whose professional knowledge and skills promote Company’s development, recognize their investment in Company’s activity, motivate the employees for long-time works and loyalty in companies of railway industry. Awards are given on the Railway men’s day on 5 August and on JSC “Pasazieru vilciens” establishment day on 2 November. The Company may nominate the employees for awarding also for different state, local government, public organizations and commercial companies awards, including awarding with the writ of execution of Ministry of traffic, awards of SJSC “Latvijas dzelzcels”, Latvian Railway men Society Engineering Technical Association, etc. 
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